Morgan Stanley Interview Questions

Morgan Stanley is a global leader in executing transactions in cash equity and equity-related products for institutional clients around the world. These products include common stocks, global depository receipts, and exchange-traded funds.

It has got a 3.9* rating on Glassdoor and is considered one of the best product-based companies. It is highly regarded for its work-life balance.

They provide good training as well which will be beneficial in future too. You can practice the below Morgan Stanley Interview Questions for the interview. We have collected past frequently asked Morgan Stanley Interview Questions for your reference.

Morgan Stanley Array Questions

Question 1. Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution Problem Statement The Trapping Rain Water LeetCode Solution – “Trapping Rain Water” states that given an array of heights which represents an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1. We need to find the amount of water trapped after rain. Example: Input: height = [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1] Output: 6 Explanation: Check ...

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Question 2. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock  II Leetcode Solution Problem statement In the problem “Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock  II,” we are given an array where each element in the array contains the price of the given stock on that day. The definition of the transaction is buying one share of stock and selling that one share ...

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Question 3. Painting Fence Algorithm Problem Statement The “Painting Fence Algorithm” states that you are given a fence having some posts (some wooden pieces or some other pieces) and some colors. Find out the number of ways to paint the fence such that at most only 2 adjacent fences have the same color. Since this ...

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Question 4. Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s You are given an array of integers. The integers are only 0 and 1 in the input array. The problem statement asks to find out the largest sub-array that can have equal count of 0s and 1s. Example arr[]={0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1} 0 to 5 (total 6 elements) Explanation From the array position ...

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Question 5. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Problem Statement The problem “Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock” states that you are given an array of prices of length n, where the ith element stores the price of stock on ith day. If we can make only one transaction, that is, to buy on one day and ...

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Question 6. Maximum Product Subarray Problem Statement The problem “Maximum Product Subarray” states that you are given an array of integer containing both positive and negative numbers. The problem statement asks to find out the maximum product of the sub-array. Example arr[] = { 2, -2, 3, 5} 15 Explanation The elements in the sub-array ...

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Question 7. Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array Problem Statement “Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array” states that you are given a sorted array of size n which is rotated at some index. Find the minimum element in the array. Example a[ ] = {5, 1, 2, 3, 4} 1 Explanation: If we arrange the array in sorted ...

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Question 8. Remove duplicates from sorted array Problem Statement “Remove duplicates from sorted array” states that you are given a sorted array of size N. You need to remove the duplicate elements from the array. Print the array containing unique elements after the removal of duplicate elements. Example a [] = {1, 1, 1, 1} {1} Explanation: ...

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Question 9. Product of array except self Problem Statement “Product of array except self” problem, states that you are given an array a [ ]. Print another array p [ ] of the same size such that value at i’th index of array p is equal to the product of all the elements of the original array ...

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Question 10. Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence Problem Statement You are given an array of integers. Your task is to find out the maximum sum subsequence within the array in such a way that the numbers in subsequence should be ordered in a sorted manner in increasing order. A subsequence is nothing but a sequence that we ...

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Question 11. Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray Problem Statement You are given an array of integers. The problem statement asks to find out the largest sum contiguous subarray. This means nothing but to find a subarray (continuous elements) which has the largest sum among all other subarrays in the given array. Example arr[] = {1, -3, 4, ...

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Question 12. Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit Problem Statement In the “Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit” problem we have given an array that contains stock price on each day, find the maximum profit that you can make by buying and selling in those days. Here, we can buy and sell multiple times but only after selling ...

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Question 13. Rearrange Positive and Negative Numbers Alternatively in Array Problem Statement In the “Rearrange Positive and Negative Numbers Alternatively in Array” problem we have given an array a[]. This array contains positive and negative integers. Rearrange the array in such a way that positive and negative are placed alternatively. Here, the number of positive and negative elements need not ...

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Question 14. First Circular Tour to Visit all the Petrol Bunks In the first circular tour to visit all the petrol bunks problem the statement is such that there is a circle with n petrol pumps on the circle. Every petrol pump has a pair of data. The first value is the amount of petrol pump has and the second is ...

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Question 15. Rearrange given Array in Maximum Minimum Form Problem Statement In the “Rearrange given Array in Maximum Minimum Form” problem, we have given a sorted array containing N elements. Rearrange the given sorted array of positive integers, such that alternative elements are ith max and ith min. See below for a better understanding of rearrangement of elements- Array[0] ...

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Question 16. Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum Problem Statement Given an array of integers, find the combination of three elements in the array whose sum is equal to a given value X. Here we will print the first combination that we get. If there is no such combination then print -1. Example Input N=5, X=15 arr[] = ...

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Question 17. Sort 0s 1s and 2s in an Array Problem Statement Given an array containing N elements where elements of the array are 0,1 or 2. Sort or Segregate 0s 1s and 2s in an array. Arrange all zeros in the first half, all ones in the second half and all twos in the third half. Example Input 22 ...

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Question 18. Smallest Positive Number Missing in an Unsorted Array Problem Statement In the given unsorted array find the smallest positive number missing in an unsorted array. A positive integer doesn’t include 0. We can modify the original array if needed. The array may contain positive and negative numbers. Example a. Input array : [3, 4, -1, 0, -2, 2, 1, ...

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Question 19. A Product Array Puzzle Problem Statement In a product array puzzle problem we need to construct an array where the ith element will be the product of all the elements in the given array except element at the ith position. Example Input  5 10 3 5 6 2 Output 180 600 360 300 900 ...

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Morgan Stanley String Questions

Question 20. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number In letter combinations of a phone number problem, we have given a string containing numbers from 2 to 9. The problem is to find all the possible combinations that could be represented by that number if every number has some letters assigned to it. The assignment of the number is ...

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Question 21. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Solution Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Solution – Given a string, we have to find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Let’s look into a few examples: Example pwwkew 3 Explanation: Answer is “wke” with length 3 aav 2 Explanation: Answer is “av” with length 2 Approach-1 ...

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Question 22. Reverse words in a string Problem Statement “Reverse words in a string” states that you are given a string s of size n. Print the string in reverse order such that the last word becomes the first, second last becomes the second, and so on. Hereby string we refer to a sentence containing words instead ...

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Question 23. Maximum occurring character in a string Given a string of size n containing lower case letters. We need to find the maximum occurring character in a string. If there is more than one character with a maximum occurrence then print any of them. Example Input: String s=”test” Output: Maximum occurring character is ‘t’. Approach 1: Using ...

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Question 24. Decode Ways In Decode Ways problem we have given a non-empty string containing only digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it using the following mapping: 'A' -> 1 'B' -> 2 ... 'Z' -> 26 Example S = “123” Number of ways to decode this string is 3 If we ...

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Question 25. Next Permutation In the next permutation problem we have given a word, find the lexicographically greater_permutation of it. Example input : str = "tutorialcup" output : tutorialpcu input : str = "nmhdgfecba" output : nmheabcdfg input : str = "algorithms" output : algorithsm input : str = "spoonfeed" output : Next Permutation ...

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Question 26. Longest Common Subsequence You are given two strings str1 and str2, find out the length of the longest common subsequence. Subsequence: a subsequence is a sequence that can be derived from another sequence by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements. For ex ‘tticp‘ is the subsequence ...

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Morgan Stanley Tree Questions

Question 27. Inorder Successor of a node in Binary Tree Problem Statement The problem asks to find “Inorder Successor of a node in Binary Tree”. An inorder successor of a node is a node in the binary tree that comes after the given node in the inorder traversal of the given binary tree. Example Inorder successor of 6 is 4 ...

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Question 28. Iterative Preorder Traversal The problem “Iterative Preorder Traversal” states that you are given a binary tree and now you need to find the preorder traversal of the tree. We are required to find the preorder traversal using iterative method and not the recursive approach. Example   5 7 9 6 1 4 3 ...

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Question 29. Boundary Traversal of binary tree Problem Statement The problem “Boundary Traversal of binary tree” states that you are given a binary tree. Now you need to print the boundary view of a binary tree. Here boundary traversal means that all the nodes are shown as the boundary of the tree. The nodes are seen from ...

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Question 30. Level order traversal using two Queues Problem Statement The problem “Level order traversal using two Queues” states that you are given a binary tree, print its level order traversal line by line. Examples Input 5 11 42 7 9 8 12 23 52 3 Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 Algorithm for Level Order Traversal ...

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Question 31. Iterative method to find ancestors of a given binary tree Problem Statement “Iterative method to find ancestors of a given binary tree” problem states that you are given a binary tree and an integer representing a key. Create a function to print all the ancestors of the given key using iteration. Example Input  key = 6 5 2 1 Explanation: ...

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Morgan Stanley Graph Questions

Question 32. Topological Sorting Given a directed acyclic graph, topologically sort the graph nodes. Topological Sorting Example Topological sorting of above graph is -> {1,2,3,0,5,4} Theory Topological Sorting is done for a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). A DAG has no cycles in it. ie, there is no such path starting from any node of ...

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Question 33. Dijkstra Algorithm Dijkstra is the shortest path algorithm. Dijkstra algorithm is used to find the shortest distance of all nodes from the given start node. It logically creates the shortest path tree from a single source node, by keep adding the nodes greedily such that at every point each node in the ...

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Morgan Stanley Stack Questions

Question 34. Trapping Rain Water Leetcode Solution Problem Statement The Trapping Rain Water LeetCode Solution – “Trapping Rain Water” states that given an array of heights which represents an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1. We need to find the amount of water trapped after rain. Example: Input: height = [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1] Output: 6 Explanation: Check ...

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Question 35. Iterative method to find ancestors of a given binary tree Problem Statement “Iterative method to find ancestors of a given binary tree” problem states that you are given a binary tree and an integer representing a key. Create a function to print all the ancestors of the given key using iteration. Example Input  key = 6 5 2 1 Explanation: ...

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Question 36. Queue using Stacks In queue using a stack problem, we have to implement the following functions of a queue using the standard functions of stack data structure, Enqueue: Add an element to the end of the queue Dequeue: Remove an element from the start of the queue Example Input: Enqueue(5) Enqueue(11) Enqueue(39) Dequeue()  ...

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Morgan Stanley Queue Questions

Question 37. Level order traversal using two Queues Problem Statement The problem “Level order traversal using two Queues” states that you are given a binary tree, print its level order traversal line by line. Examples Input 5 11 42 7 9 8 12 23 52 3 Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 Algorithm for Level Order Traversal ...

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Question 38. Find the First Circular Tour that visits all the Petrol Pumps Problem Statement The problem “Find the First Circular Tour that visits all the Petrol Pumps” states that there are N petrol pumps on a circular road. Given the petrol that every petrol pump has and the amount of petrol required to cover the distance between two petrol pumps. So you ...

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Question 39. Queue using Stacks In queue using a stack problem, we have to implement the following functions of a queue using the standard functions of stack data structure, Enqueue: Add an element to the end of the queue Dequeue: Remove an element from the start of the queue Example Input: Enqueue(5) Enqueue(11) Enqueue(39) Dequeue()  ...

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Morgan Stanley Other Questions

Question 40. Group Anagrams LeetCode Solution Problem Statement Group Anagrams LeetCode Solution Says that – Given an array of strings strs, group the anagrams together. You can return the answer in any order. An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. Example 1: ...

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Question 41. Sort Colors LeetCode Solution Problem Statement Sort Colors LeetCode Solution – Given an array nums with n objects colored red, white, or blue, sort them in-place so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the order red, white, and blue. We will use the integers 0, 1, and 2 to represent the color red, white, and blue, respectively. ...

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Question 42. LRU Cache Leetcode Solution Problem Statement The LRU Cache LeetCode Solution – “LRU Cache” asks you to design a data structure that follows Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache We need to implement LRUCache class that has the following functions: LRUCache(int capacity): Initializes the LRU cache with positive size capacity. int get(int key): Return the value ...

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Question 43. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden LeetCode Solution Problem Statement Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden LeetCode Solution – There is a one-dimensional garden on the x-axis. The garden starts at the point 0 and ends at the point n. (i.e The length of the garden is n). There are n + 1 taps located at points [0, 1, ..., n] in ...

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Question 44. Intersection of Two Linked Lists LeetCode Solution Problem Statement Intersection of Two Linked Lists LeetCode Solution – We are given the heads of two strongly linked-lists headA and headB. It is also given that the two linked lists may intersect at some point. We are asked to return the node at which they intersect or null if ...

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Question 45. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements LeetCode Solution Problem Statement Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements LeetCode Solution – Given an integer array nums of size n, return the minimum number of moves required to make all array elements equal. In one move, you can increment n - 1 elements of the array by 1. Example 1: Input  1: nums = [1, 2, 3] Output: ...

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Question 46. Sort Array By Parity LeetCode Solution Problem Statement The Sort Array By Parity LeetCode Solution – “Sort Array By Parity” states that you are given an integer array nums, move all the even integers at the beginning of the array followed by all the odd integers. Note: Return any array that satisfies this condition. Example: Input: Output: ...

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Question 47. LRU Cache LeetCode Solution Question Design a data structure that follows the constraints of a Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. Implement the LRUCache class: LRUCache(int capacity) Initialize the LRU cache with positive size capacity. int get(int key) Return the value of the key if the key exists, otherwise return -1. void put(int key, int value) Update the value of the key if the key exists. Otherwise, add the key-value pair to ...

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Question 48. Contiguous Array Given an array consisting of number 0’s and 1’s only. We have to find the length of the longest contiguous sub-array consisting o’s and 1’s equally. Example Input arr = [0,1,0,1,0,0,1] Output 6 Explanation The longest contiguous sub-array is marked in red [0,1,0,1,0,0,1] and its length is 6. Algorithm Set ...

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Question 49. Convex Hull Algorithm In problem “Convex Hull Algorithm” we have given a set of some points. The smallest polygon that can be formed with those points which contain all other points inside it will be called its convex hull. This can be achieved by using Jarvis Algorithm. Algorithm Initialize a leftmost point to ...

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Question 50. Minimum number of jumps to reach end Problem Statement Suppose you have an array of integers and each element of an array indicates each number as maximum jumps that can be taken from that point. Your task is to find out the minimum number of jumps to reach end, i.e. minimum of jumps that can be taken ...

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Question 51. Huffman Coding We have a message that we want to deliver. We want the message to be of least size possible so that the costs incurred in sending the message is low.  Here we use the Huffman Coding concept to reduce the size of the message. Let’s assume that we have the ...

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Question 52. Swap Kth Node from beginning with Kth Node from End Problem Statement In the “Swap Kth Node from beginning with Kth Node from End” problem, we have given a linked list. Swap kth node from beginning_with kth node from the end. We should not swap the values, we should swap pointers. Example 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ...

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