Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement Range Sum Query 2D – Immutable Leetcode Solution – Given a 2D matrix matrix, handle multiple queries of the following type: Calculate the sum of the elements of matrix inside the rectangle defined by its upper left corner (row1, col1) and lower right corner (row2, col2). Implement the NumMatrix class: NumMatrix(int[][] matrix) Initializes the object with the integer …

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Maximum subsequence sum such that no three are consecutive

The problem “Maximum subsequence sum such that no three are consecutive ” states that you are given an array of integers. Now you need to find a subsequence that has the maximum sum given that you cannot consider three consecutive elements. To recall, a subsequence is nothing but an array …

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Longest Repeated Subsequence

The problem “Longest Repeated Subsequence” states that you are given a string as an input. Find out the longest repeated subsequence, that is the subsequence that exists twice in the string. Example aeafbdfdg 3 (afd) Approach The problem asks us to find out the longest repeated subsequence in the string. …

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