PHP Full Form

PHP Full Form is Hypertext Preprocessor. Initially, the abbreviation was the Personal Home Page. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in the year 1994.

What is PHP

PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language. We can use PHP for creating websites like static, dynamic, or web applications. We can embed the PHP code within HTML or use it with any other web frameworks. The PHP script is executed on the server and interpreted by PHP interpreter. The server returns only the result back to the client/browser.

Why use PHP

  • The main purpose of using PHP is for creating dynamic web pages.
  • It is free to use since it is open-source.
  • Easy to understand and does not require much learning effort as in Javascript or ASP.
  • Supports any operating systems that have a web server supporting PHP.
  • We can use for database operation

PHP Syntax

PHP tag starts with <? followed by the word PHP and then remaining action. It ends with ?>. If code contains more than 1 statement, each statement terminates with a semicolon. It is a best practice to end the statement with semicolon always even for a single line of code.

<?php …?>

Example of PHP

The below example shows PHP code embedded within HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <? php
  echo "Welcome to PHP tutorial";
Welcome to PHP tutorial

Features of PHP

  • PHP file ends with .php extension
  • It can be used with other scripting languages like Javascript
  • Can contain HTML code or used as a  pure PHP file
  • It is case sensitive
  • Supports various databases like MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, ODBC, etc.
  • PHP 7 is the latest release which is available


This article was about the PHP Full Form. In next articles, we will cover more features of PHP.


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