Three way partitioning of an array around a given range

Problem Statement You are given an array of integers and a range of lowValue and highValue. The problem “Three way partitioning of an array around a given range” asks to partition the array such that array will be divided into three parts. The partitions of the arrays will be: Elements …

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Maximum weight transformation of a given string

Problem Statement The maximum weight transformation of a given string problem states that given a string consisting only of two characters ‘A’ and ‘B’. We have an operation where we can transform string to another string by toggling any character. Thus many transformations are possible. Out of all the possible …

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A Space Optimized DP solution for 0-1 Knapsack Problem

Problem Statement We are given a knapsack which can hold some weight, we need to pick some of the items out of given items with some value. The items should be picked such that the value of the knapsack ( total value of picked up items ) should be maximized. …

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Group Words With Same Set of Characters

In Group words with same set of characters problem, we have given a list of words with lower cases. Implement a function to find all Words that have the same unique character set. Example Input Words[]={ “may”, “student”, “students”, “dog”,”studentssess”, “god”, “cat”, “act”,”tab”, “bat”, “flow”, “wolf”, “lambs”,”amy”, “yam”, “balms”, “looped”, …

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