k-th missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence

The problem “k-th missing element in increasing sequence which is not present in a given sequence” states that you are given two arrays. One of them is arranged in ascending order and another normal unsorted array with number k. Find the kth missing element which is not present in normal …

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Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Solution

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters LeetCode Solution – Given a string, we have to find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Let’s look into a few examples: Example pwwkew 3 Explanation: Answer is “wke” with length 3 aav 2 Explanation: Answer is “av” with length 2 Approach-1 …

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Print modified array after multiple array range increment operations

The problem “Print modified array after multiple array range increment operations” states that you are given an integer array and ‘q’ numbers of queries are given. One integer value “d” is also given. Each query contains two integers, starting value and an ending value. The problem statement asks to find …

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