Breadth First Search (BFS) for a Graph

Breadth First Search (BFS) for a graph is a traversing or searching algorithm in tree/graph data structure. It starts at a given vertex(any arbitrary vertex) and explores all the connected vertex and after that moves to the nearest vertex and explores all the unexplored nodes and takes care that no …

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Check if String can Become Empty by Recursively Deleting given Substring

Problem Statement In the “Check if string can become empty by recursively deleting given substring” problem we have given two strings “s” and “t”. We have to check if the given input string “s” can be deleted completely by deleting the given input sub-string “t” recursively. Note: Given sub-string should …

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Smallest Palindrome after Replacement

Problem Statement In the “Smallest Palindrome after Replacement” problem we have given the input string contains lower case alphabets characters and dots(.). We need to replace all dots with some alphabet character in such a way that the resultant string becomes a palindrome. The palindrome should be lexicographically smallest. Input …

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