Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

We have given a binary tree containing N number of nodes where each node has some value. We need to serialize and deserialize the binary tree. Serialize The process of storing a tree in a file without disturbing its structure is called serialization. DeserializeSerialize and Deserialize Binary Tree The process …

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Print all Palindromic Partitions of a String

Problem Statement In the “Print all Palindromic Partitions of a String” problem we have given a string “s”. Write a program to print all possible palindromic partitioning of s. A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or another sequence of characters that reads the same backward as forward, such as …

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Kth Non-repeating Character

Problem Statement In the “Kth Non-repeating Character” we have given a string “s”. Write a program to find out the kth non-repeating_character. If there are less than k character which is non-repeating in the string then print “-1”. Input Format The first and only one line containing a string “s”. …

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