Valid Palindrome II Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement The Valid Palindrome II LeetCode Solution – “Valid Palindrome II” states that given the string s, we need to return true if s can be a palindrome string after deleting at most one character. Example: Input: s = “aba” Output: true Explanation: The input string is already palindrome, so there’s …

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Largest Number Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement The Largest Number LeetCode Solution – “Largest Number” states that given a list of non-negative integers nums, we need to arrange the numbers in such a way that they form the largest number and return it. Since the result may be very large, so you need to return …

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Split a String in Balanced Strings Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement In this problem, we are given a string of characters, containing only ‘R’ and ‘L’. We call a string balanced if it has the same number of ‘R’s and ‘L’s. We can split the given string into disjoint substrings. The goal is to find the maximum possible number …

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Is Subsequence Leetcode Solution

Problem Statement In this problem, we are given two different strings. The goal is to find out whether the first string is a subsequence of the second. Examples first string = “abc” second string = “mnagbcd” true first string = “burger” second string = “dominos” false Approach(Recursive) This is easy …

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