Minimum number of subsets with distinct elements

Problem Statement Suppose you have an array of integers of size n. The problem statement asks to find out the minimum number of subsets with distinct elements, that is subsets that can be formed which contain all the different/distinct elements from the array. Example arr[] = {2,4,6,2,1,4,2} 3 Explanation: {1, …

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Largest rectangular sub-matrix whose sum is 0

Problem Statement Find the maximum size sub-matrix in a 2D array whose sum is zero. A sub-matrix is nothing but a 2D array inside of the given 2D array. So, you have a matrix of signed integers, you need to calculate the sum of sub-matrices and find the matrix with …

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Group Words With Same Set of Characters

In Group words with same set of characters problem, we have given a list of words with lower cases. Implement a function to find all Words that have the same unique character set. Example Input Words[]={ “may”, “student”, “students”, “dog”,”studentssess”, “god”, “cat”, “act”,”tab”, “bat”, “flow”, “wolf”, “lambs”,”amy”, “yam”, “balms”, “looped”, …

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Sliding Window Maximum

In Sliding Window Maximum problem we have given an array nums, for each contiguous window of size k, find the maximum element in the window. Example Input nums[] = {1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7} k = 3 Output {3,3,5,5,6,7} Explanation Naive Approach for Sliding Window Maximum For every contiguous window of size k, traverse …

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Valid Parentheses LeetCode Solution

In Valid Parentheses LeetCode problem we have given a string containing just the characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘[‘ and ‘]’, determine if the input string is valid. Here we will provide a Valid Parentheses LeetCode Solution to you. An input string is valid if: Open brackets must be closed …

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