List Interface in Java

A Java list or List Interface in Java is a collection or sequence of elements in an ordered manner. Since the list maintains a particular sequence, we can perform any operation like add, delete, get, set on the list using the required index. The index always starts at 0. It …

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Java initialize Array

Arrays in java are the most widely used data structure that stores multiple values of the same data type in sequential order. The array has a fixed length and the index starts from 0 to n-1 where n is the length of an array. We can use arrays class in …

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What is a Substring in Java

What is a Substring in Java – Substring() method of String class in Java is used to retrieve a part of the given string. Java Substring method returns a new string based on the index. Substring in Java used extensively for string operations. Java Substring Syntax public String substring(int startIndex, …

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Difference between Process and Thread in Java

Difference between process and thread in java is the mostly asked interview question during job interviews. We have discussed about Process and Thread in last article. I am presenting here most of the differences between thread and process. This difference will help you understanding the topic more precisely. Thread vs …

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