Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive first time

Problem Statement In the “Find the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes positive first time” we have given a function “int f(unsigned int x)” which takes a non-negative integer ‘x’ as input and returns an integer as output. The function is monotonically increasing with respect to the value of x, i.e., the …

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Merge Overlapping Intervals II

Problem Statement In the “Merge Overlapping Intervals II” problem we have given a set of intervals. Write a program that will merge the overlapping intervals into one and print all the non-overlapping intervals. Input Format The first line containing an integer n. Second-line containing n pairs where each pair is …

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Maximum Subarray Sum using Divide and Conquer

Problem Statement In the “Maximum Subarray Sum using Divide and Conquer” problem we have given an array of both positive and negative integers. Write a program that will find the largest sum of the contiguous subarray. Input Format The first line containing an integer N. Second-line containing an array of …

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Arrange given Numbers to Form the Biggest Number II

Problem Statement In the “Arrange given Numbers to Form the Biggest Number II” problem, we have given an array of positive integers.  Arrange them in such a way that the arrangement will form the largest value. Input Format The first and only one line containing an integer n. Second-line containing …

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