Rearrange Positive and Negative Numbers Alternatively in Array

Problem Statement In the “Rearrange Positive and Negative Numbers Alternatively in Array” problem we have given an array a[]. This array contains positive and negative integers. Rearrange the array in such a way that positive and negative are placed alternatively. Here, the number of positive and negative elements need not …

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Rearrange given Array in Maximum Minimum Form

Problem Statement In the “Rearrange given Array in Maximum Minimum Form” problem, we have given a sorted array containing N elements. Rearrange the given sorted array of positive integers, such that alternative elements are ith max and ith min. See below for a better understanding of rearrangement of elements- Array[0] …

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Find Triplet in Array With a Given Sum

Problem Statement Given an array of integers, find the combination of three elements in the array whose sum is equal to a given value X. Here we will print the first combination that we get. If there is no such combination then print -1. Example Input N=5, X=15 arr[] = …

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Smallest Positive Number Missing in an Unsorted Array

Problem Statement In the given unsorted array find the smallest positive number missing in an unsorted array. A positive integer doesn’t include 0. We can modify the original array if needed. The array may contain positive and negative numbers. Example a. Input array : [3, 4, -1, 0, -2, 2, 1, …

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A Product Array Puzzle

Problem Statement In a product array puzzle problem we need to construct an array where the ith element will be the product of all the elements in the given array except element at the ith position. Example Input  5 10 3 5 6 2 Output 180 600 360 300 900 …

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