Merge Overlapping Intervals II

Problem Statement In the “Merge Overlapping Intervals II” problem we have given a set of intervals. Write a program that will merge the overlapping intervals into one and print all the non-overlapping intervals. Input Format The first line containing an integer n. Second-line containing n pairs where each pair is …

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Number of Smaller Elements on Right Side

Problem Statement In the “Number of Smaller Elements on Right Side” problem, we have given an array a[]. Find the number of smaller elements that are on the right_side of each element. Input Format The first and only one line containing an integer N. Second-line containing N space-separated integers. Output …

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Four Elements that Sum to Given

Problem Statement In four elements that sum to a given problem, we have given an array containing N elements that may be positive or negative. Find the set of four elements whose sum is equal to given value k. Input Format First-line containing an integer N. Second-line containing an array …

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Find Pair with Given Difference

Problem Statement In the given unsorted array, find the pair of elements in the given array with given difference n. Example Input arr[] = {120, 30, 70, 20, 5, 6}, difference(n) = 40 Output [30, 70] Explanation Here the difference of 30 and 70 is equal to the value of …

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